Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Fun Fact Friday #3

         To kick-start this fun fact Friday about men, "Worldwide, the average life expectancy for a man is 68 while for a women it is 73." That being said ladies you are going to have some time to yourself, so enjoy your man while he is still on this planet. Most of the time after a long marriage, couples tend to get in to the motions of things and forget about death and carry on with their life's. Once a couple understands this fact and death is near, they can start embracing the time they have with one another!
Credit Image: American McCarver
       On a side note, ladies get out your note and pens, "November 19 every year is not only International Men's Day but also World Toilet Day." This is probably just a coincidence. Ladies keep in mind men are easy to deal with, we do not care if it is the same day as World Toilet Day, we are happy we got a day for us at least. Now ladies do not get upset about this upcoming statement, but if that was the case with women, with the same day as World Toilet Day...there would be march about it. That being said which I hope was not too much, but had to be said because men really are not concerned with those types of issues as if women would be. Therefore, for all the women out there please take the time and appreciate that you have a man who do not want to fight about everything. Just because he likes watching many sports does not mean he is not interested in what you are saying, it just means he does not care about the tedious problems that life brings us. So overall, understand your man and be happier he is a sports fan and not a diva.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Fun Fact Friday #2

         Fun Fact Friday brings you some unusual fun facts about men and will make women want to try these facts our and see if they actually work. To start this fun fact marathon: "If its attention that you want don't get in a relationship with a man during playoff season." In some ways, this can be true depending on what type of man you are dating. Most men love sports and football is a perfect Sunday getaway for men. Another fun fact is Men like gadgets with lots of fancy shiny black buttons. It makes them feel dang important." I can agree with this one! I love myself some cool gadgets, therefore the best gift I would want is a shiny gadget. So for all the women out there and do not know a cool gift for your man, buy him some cool shiny gadgets!
       To continue this fun fact line up "Men like to barbecue. They suddenly like to cook if danger and fire are involved. Weird how that happens." That being said, most men love to take risk and what better combination than to cook some good meat over a hot coal fire. For all the women that are reading this and do not want to cook, one perfect way to get your man to cook for you is to say the magic words, "Barbecue". This is the moment for any man to show there manly skill and enjoy cooking a big meal for their women.      Therefore, women you are welcome!                                                           Image Credit: Men Grilling

Monday, March 20, 2017

Understanding a Man's Mind

                                                    Image Credit: 50 Inspirational Images 

       When looking at this image it opens the subject of taking advantage of travailing while you still can. Traveling is the best way for men and women to really get to know each other. When traveling there can be many hours to actually talk to one and other and find whom their significant other really is.
        Traveling while dating can make or break any relationship, but if it's been a long term relationship it will keep things interesting. After a long term relationship some couples might get caught in a loop and in order to get out of that "loop" the couple should look into traveling to new places. Men love to travel so if a women sees their relationship in loop before their man realizes it, she could look into traveling with him.
       Traveling will always give the couple something to look forward to. So to all the women in the world men love to travel, hence get out there and enjoy this world together.
        One main benefit of traveling to new place is it allows new adventure to happen to people and let's people enjoy the smaller things in life. Anytime anyone has come back from vacation they have an internal and external glow. Why is that? After vacation people seemed to be refreshed and ready to take on the world.
         My girlfriend and I traveled to North Carolina last spring break, which brought us closer than ever before. The long car drive was perfect because it aloud us to ask any questions that we didn't think of before. That trip was a perfect boost to enhance my bond with my girl friend, therefore I suggest traveling to anyone in a relationship or not. Coming back from that trip we both had glow and were loving all the small things in life. So all in all the best thing for anyone in a relationship or not, is to explore this world and keep your vacation glow all year around.    

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Fun Fact Friday

    Fun fact Friday is a day where I express facts about men. To start it off; men who have lower IQs are more likely be unfaithful. Another cool fact is men spend about a year staring at women, a survey found. Half of the all women who homicide are killed by their current or formal husband or partner. The list goes on! I got these fact from factslides, which has very cool fact about many of things. This fact women will use against every men, "men lie 6 times a day, twice as often as women". 

     On a side note, women who are using these facts and getting upset with their man should understand this is some men. And men who are reading this should not hate me because I am giving our trade secretes out. I am only making our Fridays fun, by giving fun facts about men, therefore it will make every ones weekends interesting. One last fact; In his lifetime, a man spends almost six months shaving.This is a big task for men and I understand women have far more work to do, but men lose six months out of their lives to shave. So to help the men who have beards, men can somewhat relate on the time of shaving that women have to do. All in all men have unknown mysteries that they do not even know about, so ladies give them some credit, when they say "I don't know".

Image credit: Men shaving

Thursday, February 16, 2017

About This Blog

           This blog is going to express what a man is really thinking and what men really like/want. Most women read the cosmopolitan to find helpful tips about themselves and as well about men. Most women  in relationships think they know their man or if a single women is dating around thinks they got it figured out. I have always said the more knowledge you contain the more power you have. That being said even if a women thinks she knows her man very well..she is wrong.  The goal of this blog is to inform women what men really want and like. This blog will not make anyone a mind reader, but there will be some helpful tips to get a step ahead.

            The first tip to understanding a man is understanding yourself, once you are comfortable with yourself, you will be comfortable with another man. To list off of what women want from most to least in a man; is a best friend, soul mate, and having a sexual attractions to their man; hence no friend zone. Men are pretty close to this list, but first we want sexual attraction, soul mate, and best friend.  If a women can understand this code of what men want in that order, everything will go a lot smoother on getting to know your man. A mans primitive instincts is to first look at the hips of a women, hence sexual attraction. If any man ever says the first thing he saw on a women was her eyes...he is straight out lying. Science can prove that men see the shape of your body before they see your eyes. This is not a bad thing because this is how men have been coded to think from the beginning. Other than that men want a soul mate, someone who they can be one with and share everything to. Women forget men can be just like them in this category. The best feeling in the world is finding a soul mate and this is the biggest search on this planet. The last of the list is men want a best friend too. Men want to share their adventures with their women and show them what they are interested in. This is when the balance comes in to play, when men want to do one thing and the women want to do another. The best advice to give is to compromise and this will allow both women/men to understand the balance.

Image credit: Clip Art Fox